These are free stock images of beautiful places in Oregon and Oregon wildlife.
Since I’m out every week with the Wednesday birding group there are a lot of birds.
We would like to make it a little easier for you to help spread the word about what a wonderful state Oregon is. If there is something you need for an article and it's not here, contact us and we will see if we can help.
The difference between these stock images I'm providing for free and the ones on Photograph Oregon’s website are that these I am offering have no watermarks and I am giving you permission to use them :)
All these images are photographs taken by me.
If you use these images, it would be great if you linked back to!
Also, if it is something interesting, we might want to link to you!
Have fun and enjoy. Check back as I will add more as we go more places.
Here are some nice free images of birds with info.
I've added a batch of new images of the barred owl that's been hanging out at the park creating quite a stir!
Remember to check back here in the bird section often as I go birding each week there will be more birding images.
The Oregon coast is a magical place.
There are coast, coastal birds, lifestyle shots and lighthouses here for you to use.
I just spent a week on the coast taking hundreds of images a day and will be adding a lot more here very soon!
I'm also working on a Central Oregon section as well as a vintage/abandoned section, night stars and more wildlife other than birds.
There's a lot more to come!
More free stock images on Dreamstime