December Birding
December 7, 2011
This is the log of the first week of December Birding and I’m way behind and trying to catch up before I go on my first big bird count tomorrow!
So, pretend this is last Wednesday!
Today we went to Suttle Lake, Blue Lake and Scout Lake. I saw my first dipper! I loved the lighting on the water with the dipper and it was very accommodating to photos.

December birding started off a little rough. We hit a deer. It was sad. We weren’t going very fast because I was yelling “DEER! DEER!” but the guy driving didn’t really see her until she was right in front of the car because there was a truck on the left side of us where the whole herd was coming from blocking our view. We were probably going about 20mph, which was enough to break her and toss her into the ditch on the side.
I asked if anyone had a knife or a gun and all the guys said “You’re going to KILL her?”
“Well………….yes. We can’t just leave her this way, it’s mean.”
Since they didn’t, and I didn’t, I called the Sheriff. They took care of her. The car had minimal damage to the hood.
We got to Suttle Lake and met up with Steve, who knows a ton about birds. So far he wins my Super Bird Geek Award. It was great to hang with him. He is a master at birding by ear. I can’t tell the difference yet between a bird and a squirrel.
He showed me how to find a red headed nuthatch. They are cute little things and make a sound like a trumpet.

I saw some birds I had not seen before and got a big lesson in “They’re not all just ducks!”. I found a common golden eye female and a hooded merganser and some coots.
The eagle flying right up the lake at me was fantastic. My equipment is not yet up to ”Great bird photo” level but I managed a few shots.

There, as usual were a few good landscapes to be had as well. Suttle Lake was reflecting really nicely. I do love reflections!
All in all it was a good day (except for that deer).
On the way back we were going to stop at Black Butte but Darwin’s gas light came on and we decided to head for Sisters. The guys were looking at some birds while driving so just as we got in to Sisters the Sheriff lit us up. Someone called us in as a drunk driver. Nope…sorry officer, just bird watching (Who didn’t know that would eventually happen?) If not, read this post!

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