High Life Adventures

High Life Adventures Zip Lines, located in the heart of the timber forest of Warrenton, Oregon is FUN! FUN! FUN!

I had never zipped before. My husband said “Do you like to zip?”

I said “Well, we're going to find out now aren't we!”

We started our High Life Adventures Zip Line fun at the suit up spot and our guides Eric, Andy and Lancey got us harnessed and helmeted and explained the basic rules and then we were off.

There attention safety in this part of the procedure gave me supreme confidence in the whole thing.

This is Lancey Larson. She and her husband, Dave, are the owners/creators of High Life Adventures.

We hiked out to the first course, Alder, which is a low and slow “bunny slope” course. I thought well, if I hate it I can film the rest and still have fun. I did not hate it at all! I did think though that I might not like a higher one. (Which was the next one).

The next one, Cedar, was higher and a little faster.

Before each zip the guides inspect your gear and attach you.

And then, you're off!

It turns out, the higher they were, the more I liked them. I also found out that there is an advantage to being a large woman....the heavier you are, the faster you go! (There is a 300lb max for the zip lines and you do get weighed in. I had the added bonus of finding out I had shed 7lbs.)

There are 8 lines on the High Life Adventures runs and each one gets higher and longer. Some go over water and some if you ask, you can get dunked in the lake. I had my camera so they kept me high and dry. One of them has an added surprise that I will let you find out for yourself :)

Some people got wetter than others :)

As you hike through the forest from zip to zip you will find really beautiful places.

Two different zips go off the tower. One on the lower level (and cookies are involved).

The last of the lines is a quarter mile run off the tower across the big lake. It's a double line so you can race with a friend.

My favorite was Huckleberry. 930ft across a pond and it was FAST. I had to edit out the audio I shot because the audio was …....unusable due to language (mine).

If I remember correctly, this is Maple line footage.

(and no, I didn't hit the tree.)

If you want some serious fun for your money. Definitely consider this. I was allowed to photo and video all along the way and everyone was super cool about it.

It's as family friendly as it gets. Here is John and Riley.

And the Gibsons (Mom & Dad) race down the last zip across the lake.

All in all, several hours of family friendly, exciting fun in a lovely setting! Truly great bang for your buck.

High Life Adventures

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